Free Speech

WeWake is viewpoint neutral, but we also want a shill-free, uplifting environment. So we don’t allow people to go around acting like jerks, insulting people, and stirring up trouble.

We protect your right to free speech. Say whatever you want on WeWake. As long as it doesn’t call for violence, contain pornography, harass others or break any laws, we won’t censor it.

What WeWake Expects From You

  • You’re a patriot – a person who loves, supports and defends your country and personal rights.
  • You’ll look for ways to be an active, helpful member of our community.
  • You’ll behave respectfully toward other WeWake members, even when you disagree.
  • You won’t post content that violates any laws in your jurisdiction or the United States.
  • You won’t use WeWake to spy on, harass or harm others in any way.